Reading and Writing

Reading and Writing is at the "heart" of the 3rd grade curriculum.  I hope to foster continued growth and enthusiasm in both areas throughout the year.

Reading Workshop:
I utilize many resources during our Reading Workshop time.   I really enjoy Comprehension Toolkit as it engages children with articles and books and it gets them talking about their thinking while reading.  I also plan to use The Daily Five this year as well.  Its basis fosters literacy and independence.  I will conduct mini-lessons in which the students then practice during their independent reading.  I also meet with small reading groups to practice reading strategies/skills as well as conduct Independent Reading Conferences while students are reading independently. The graduated release of responsibility is imperative during reading (I Do, We Do, You Do).

Writing Workshop:
Again I utilize many resources during Writing Workshop time.  This year I am really excited to use Lucy Caulkins' Units of Study for Teaching Writing.  Our Writing Workshop will follow this format:  Engage and Connect. Teacher Model, Guided Writing, Conferencing, Sharing.